

White Christmas is on the doorstep

Snow without end in the valley

The snow has already arrived

Dezember 2020 und sooo viel Schnee wie schon viele Jahre nicht mehr.  Perfekte Bedingungen für einen gelungenen Saisonstart, aber der sollte uns heuer leider nicht gegönnt sein.


December 2020 and sooo much snow. More than we have seen for a few years now. Perfect conditions for a great start into the ski season, but it should all come different this year…

White like in the old days

Once the landscape is all covered by a white curtain, a winterly walk always holds a very special place in our heart.

Is it not true that seing all of this white beauty combined with the fresh cold air of our mountains is replacing all of the bad thoughts in your head with nothing but good feelings? Or is it just us?

Already when we were small, snow was always promising adventure: be it when sledging, building a snowman, or just playing in the snow with our siblings, we would always stay outside as long as we could without losing our hands to the could. (Getting rubbed in some white powder by the older brother surely didn’t help)

We often think back to these light and happy white days without any responsibilities or worries, especially in these days of restrictions and orders. But one thing is for sure. The snow will still be there after, and the joy of being in the snow- skiing, sledging, having walks or simply making sure that the younger siblings get more snow in their face than us, will accompagne us for the rest of our life.

we'll be back there soon

All of us in Kramerwirt are looking forward to seeing all of this life back in our house again, all the guests, staff and friends with their story of their day out in the white.

Until then, nature will teach us about patience and the importance of some quiet time with family.

